Thursday, July 8, 2010

Crossover with Fermat's Last Theorem

"I have discovered a truly marvelous play, in which the characters from Shakespeare's Macbeth enact their terrible tragedy through dance in a dimly-light, hauntingly-decorated Brookline middle school, said school to include flying decapitated babies and a number of rooms that appear to have nothing in them except rocks, a bowl of water, and a knife, and the scenes from which will include a crazy techno-driven scene where Macbeth receives the three witches' prophesy, said scene containing a giant goat's head and lots of nudity, and possibly also a scene starring Hecate and the defunct ice cream brand Frusen Glädjé, though this scene is optional and may be cut due to trademarking issues over use of the Frusen Glädjé brand name, and all the while these characters will interact with Mrs. Danvers and the Second Mrs. De Winter from Hitchcock's Rebecca, which I am also inventing here since I AM A WIZARD from the year 1637 who can see the future. This blog post is too narrow to contain it."

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