Monday, September 27, 2010

Crossover with an awesome fiber optic mullet

Malcolm stood outside his father's bedroom and knocked.

Duncan stirred.

"What is it?", Duncan asked.

"I request an audience with the king," said Malcom.

"Enter," said Duncan.

As Malcolm entered his father's bedroom, Duncan immediately stood up and pointed at his son's head.

"What," he asked, "is that?"

Malcolm touched the awesome fiber optic mullet that he had recently added to his attire and responded to his father's question.

"Dad, I'm trying out a new look. Everyone in this abandoned school is wearing clothes to suggest the faded glamor of some imaginary Alfred Hitchcock world of the 1930s. I want to stand out a bit. This feels more like me."

"First the jaunty beret, now this! I won't have it. I forbid this! By the power vested in me, get a decent haircut!"

"Too bad. I've already worn it on Regis and Kelly this morning."

"I've also worn it to Fraggle Rock."


  1. I read the tag "haircuts" as "hilarious." Which it is.

  2. Thank you for the kind words!

    I do think it's a little silly that there are now multiple posts with the "haircuts" tag.
