Friday, September 24, 2010

Crossover with "The West Wing"

Scotland's Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman and Deputy Communications Director Sam Seaborn were pacing down the hallway of the Old Lincoln School at a brisk pace, speaking to each other as they walked.

"What I don't get," said Josh Lyman, "is why Duncan is giving Thane of Cawdor to Macbeth in the first place."

Sam Seaborn responded, "It's a thing. From the war."

"A thing?"

"A sign of respect."

"If you ask me, it's trouble."

Scotland's newly appointed Press Secretary, Bald Witch, emerged from the auditorium and began walking alongside Sam and Josh.

"Press is going to have a field day with this Cawdor thing," Bald Witch said.

"Press is already having a field day," said Josh Lyman.

"I predicted it. Predicted and foretold," said Bald Witch. "You guys should listen to me about Birnham Wood coming to Dunsinane, too. Because that is a thing that is going to happen."

Sam Seaborn looked puzzled and recited some obscure trivia involving Gilbert and Sullivan.

Bald Witch said, "I've got Hecate at 11:30" and ran down the stairwell.

Josh Lyman asked, "What's the thing with Hecate? Do I need to be in on that?"

"She wants the import tax lowered on Frusen Gladje, and Bald Witch has it covered."

Lyman ran his hands through his thinning hair. "Good," he muttered. "Hecate gives me the willies."

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