Friday, February 19, 2010

Crossover with the cafe dancing scene from "Band of Outsiders"

Hecate laughed as the loud techno music kicked into high gear. The second consultation started.

Parenthetically, now's the time to describe their feelings.

The bald witch watches her feet

...but thinks of that dude she grabbed upstairs for the telephone room one-on-one and the strange way he read out lunch menus

The long-haired witch wonders if the boys notice her breasts moving as she dances

The goat head naked demon witch wonders how he's going to wash all the blood off

Macbeth thinks of everything and nothing

...uncertain if reality is becoming dream, or dream reality

Hecate's just chilling

1 comment:

  1. French New Wave/SNM/urkel at the table....some of my favorite things and funny as hell!
