Thursday, February 18, 2010

Crossover with the Davis Square Livejournal

"It's time I moved on", thought MadDuff. "I need to get out of Brookline. There's nothing but bad memories for me here. My wife and unborn child - murdered by Macbeth! Now that I've killed Macbeth and Malcolm has taken the throne, I need to get away from this creepy abandoned school in Brookline. Perhaps the environs of Davis Square would be a good place to make a fresh start."

So it came to be that MacDuff rented a one-bedroom apartment on Elm Street (the second floor of a three story multi-family), and grew to love his new neighborhood. His new digs even had a tall bookshelf he could dance on when he was bored.

While researching his new living area, he came upon a livejournal community dedicated solely to the goings-on of his adopted home: The Davis Square Livejournal.

"This is great!", thought MacDuff, "Now I can share stories and opinions with other people who live in the area!"

MacDuff created a livejournal account (MDuff1138), and set about to write his first post.

"Hi everybody! I'm new to the area, and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good place to get a burrito in Davis Square?"

First to respond was moderator Ron Newman.

"We have had many posts in the past on the topic of burritos. Please click on the 'burritos' tag and look through them. -- Your friendly moderator"

MacDuff was mortified. "I can't believe I made such a noob mistake!", he cried aloud.

Thankfully, he was not yet aware of the Davis Snark livejournal community, where mocking had already begun.

1 comment:

  1. I showed this to Ron and he approves. :)

    (Ron, incidentally, loved Sleep No More. I dragged him there once, and he wishes he'd been able to go more.)
