Thursday, February 25, 2010

Crossover with

(click image to enlarge)

"Ever since we got this computer you've been wasting all your time on goddamn chatroulette", the male witch said to the bald witch. "I've been going out and killing deer and putting them in locked rooms, I've been getting Hecate her Frusen Glädjé and I've been menacing the Porter BY MYSELF. I do all the work around here and I'm getting sick of it. MacDuff had to do his big post-ballroom dance solo last weekend because you were on stupid chatroulette and didn't get upstairs in time."

"Leave me alone", said the bald witch. "I'm having fun. Look at all the random people I can mess with."

The bald witch cycled through several more users.

"Get your goat head", she told the male witch. "That'll really freak them out."

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