Monday, March 8, 2010

Crossover with the Amazing Royal Crowns

Amazing Royal Crowns singer Jason "King" Kendall felt around the pitch-black corridor he had just entered. He couldn't see anything, except for the light emitted by a flickering candle on the floor. A small, more illuminating beam of light suddenly appeared behind him.

The source of the beam of light was bassist Jack "The Swinger" Hanlon, wielding a pen-light. "I got this pen-light from Misfits guitarist Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein", Jack explained matter-of-factly. "But that is a tale for another day."

"I want to see what's in this room", said whoever the band's drummer was that week, as he led everyone into Duncan's bedroom. Duncan was lying on his bed, asleep. Macbeth entered and proceeded to murder Duncan, fulfilling the witches' prophesy.

Jason "King" Kendall pointed at Macbeth once the murder reached its conclusion.

"NOW YOU'RE KING OF THE JOINT!", Jason shouted.

A masked steward shushed him.

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