Monday, March 1, 2010

Crossover with "Seinfeld"

Duncan’s room. Duncan is asleep on the bed. Macbeth is crouched over him, pillow in hand.

“Do you see how he’s holding the pillow?” Jerry whispered to George. “He’s just got his hands on either side of it! That’s no way to smother somebody.”

“I can’t see anything out of this stupid mask,” George whispered back. “It doesn’t fit right over my glasses. I think I should take it off.”

“You can’t take it off,” whispered Elaine. “They told us to keep our masks on at all times.”

“Well what’s the point,” George whispered angrily, “if I can’t see anything while I’m wearing it?”

“Shhhhh!” warned one of the audience members.

“I mean, Duncan could just wiggle out from under there, the way he’s holding it,” Jerry whispered. “What he should do is get both hands on top of the pillow. Then he’d have better smothering coverage.”

“Smothering coverage? Since when are you an expert in smothering people?” Elaine whispered.

“It’s not rocket science. It’s smothering,” Jerry whispered back. “The man just needs some more smothering covrage.”

“I can’t take this anymore. I’m taking this stupid mask off,” George muttered. He lifted it up onto his head.

“Put your mask back on!” an audience member whispered harshly.

“Come on, George, just put it back on, you’re ruining the show,” Elaine added.

“No, it’s this mask that’s ruining the show,” said George, “this stupid mask.”

“George,” sighed Jerry, “don’t make a scene.”

“I’m not making a scene!” George shouted. “I’m taking a stand! You know what? I say we all take our masks off. Eh? It’s a free country. Who says we have to wear a mask to watch a show? A show that we all paid to see!”

Two very large black-masked attendants approached George, lifted him bodily off the floor, and began to carry him out of the room. “I paid to see this show!” he shouted. “I paid for it! I can do whatever I want!”

Jerry turned to one of the audience members next to him. “Can you believe that guy?” he whispered.

“Shhh!” the audience member whispered back.

Kramer burst through the door. “Jerry, I figured it out! It’s Shakespeare!”

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